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This section highlights ministry resources available to you at no cost. These include:

  • Downloadable Resources - documents and presentations
  • Sample Lessons extracted from our existing Bible studies
  • Audio Introductions to our existing Bible studies
  • Lamplighters Videos on various subjects

Downloadable Resources

We offer the below documents to help you grow spiritually and learn more about Lamplighters. There is The Final Exam which describes how you can receive Eternal Life, a digital version of Lamplighters' monthly prayer calendar, and a document that delineates Lamplighters’ beliefs.

Sample Lessons

When we publish a new Bible study, we also publish a sample lesson. There is one sample lesson for each Lamplighters study, so when we divide a book into two parts, there are two sample lessons.

Each sample lesson gives you a preview of the particular study, and includes the Leader’s Guide for that lesson. These Sample Lessons are also available with the individual book in the Lamplighters’ Store.

Click on the link to go to the “Sample Lessons” page and use the pull-down menu next to where it says, “Please select a lesson:” to display your lesson selection. The PDF file will show in the Adobe reader below and can also be downloaded by clicking on the blue link.

Audio Introductions

Each new study includes a helpful Audio Introduction. There is an Audio Introduction for each book of the Bible for which Lamplighters has a study. 

The Audio Introductions will help you learn the historical background of the book and gain an understanding of the major theme and structure. These should be used when you initiate a new study.

They are available as animated videos and audio only.

  • To access the animated introductions click on the link to the animated Audio Introductions playlist and select the Audio Introduction you wish to watch.
  • To access the audio only introductions click on the link to go to the Audio Introductions page and select the Audio Introduction that you wish to hear.

Lamplighters Videos

Lamplighters videos are found on the LI YouTube page and are organized into YouTube Playlists. Topics include: 

  • An Introduction to Discipleship Training 
  • Animated Audio Introductions to Books of the Bible  
  • Leader Resources for Studying Daniel 
  • Lamplighters' History 
  • Testimonials 
  • News and Upcoming Events 

Radio Interview Recordings

Listen to John Stewart's interviews on KTIS radio with Bill Arnold at the links below.

Mobile App

Lamplighters has a mobile app that you can find on your app store.

Key Features:

  • View a sample lesson or send one to a friend
  • Invite a friend to your study with an e-Welcome Booklet
  • Listen to an Audio Introduction
  • Order new studies
  • Review the Final Exam or send it to a friend
  • Read your Bible
  • Send an invite video to a friend
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